How to get past your fear of rejection?

How to get past your fear of rejection?

Begin with this affirmation: what people think of me is NONE of my business.

Fear of Rejection is the single greatest reason why people don’t make money in this business.

By actually going out and Inviting Rejection, you can overcome your fear in stages:

  1. You get it and it bothers you
  2. You get it and it doesn’t bother you
  3. You get it and turn it to your advantage


Go to amazon or eBay right and buy the book Go For NO, by Richard Fenton.

People of success simply have had more rejection or No’s.

Did you know Babe Ruth had the most strikeouts the year he had most home runs?

Did you know that if you strike out 7 out of 10 times that you will make in the Baseball Hall of Fame?

You can reach the top of your pay plan simply by talking to more people. You MUST be consistent with this approach.

And it is critically important that you track your percentages so you can improve upon them.

Insider tip: when you recruit someone keep going because your energy is high and odds are you’ll get another.

Just because someone says NO that doesn’t mean it is a NO forever. It could just mean NOT NOW.

If someone is a jerk, then they do not get the privilege of working with me. Why do I say privilege?  Because when you join my team I put a tremendous amount of my effort helping to succeed.

And it feels good to say ‘NO’ to people you prospect. It helps your confidence believe it or not.

I don’t beg people.

You don’t need uncoachable people.

Be sure to qualify people for your time.

95% of all employees are not satisfied with their job according to a recent survey by INC Magazine.

Have a NO goal.

If you get 2 NOs a day you will build a HUGE business.

Following up on your NOs.

Why Follow-Up

  • 2% of Sales are Made on the First Contact
  • 3% of Sales are Made on the Second Contact
  • 5% of Sales are Made on the Third Contact
  • 10% of Sales are Made on the Fourth Contact
  • 80% of Sales are Made on the Fifth to Twelfth Contact!

Commit To Getting 5-12 NO’s Per Contact

Sift and sort look for people who are looking for what you have.

Set your NO goal.  Stretch yourself. Say less to more people.

You got this! I believe in you.

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Terry Petrovick
Global Business Developer
919-624-0544 – cell

Skype: CoachTerry


Work With Me –


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