Would you like to get FREE leads for your business? Facebook is the ideal platform to accomplish this. But, a lot of people are making BIG mistakes.
You are invited to participate in a 5 Day Facebook Challenge.
The purpose is to help you to attract your ideal prospects and clients and to help you make more sales and build a bigger team.
Please type “Yes I’m In” below and I will add you to our private Facebook group. You have until 10am EST then the doors close.
Please share this with anyone you know in the home business profession or has a business of their own. It will be Fun! It’s FREE! It will be profitable for you!
If you follow the old school ways of prospecting then you are probably or have probably been told to use this approach when talking with your prospects.
Most prospects REALLY don’t like this approach.
Most reps eventually are NOT even aware that they are doing it.
Did your upline tell you to take this approach?
Please leave me your comments below.
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Terry Petrovick Global Business Developer 919-624-0544 – cell
Network Marketing Tips for People Who Hate Selling.
Are you the type of person who hates selling?
Are you the person who doesn’t want to do network marketing because they don’t want to chase their family and friends?
Or that you don’t want to be that guy or that chick that everybody runs from.
How do you become successful in network marketing or a home-based business without selling?
Network Marketing Tips: People Hate to be Sold BUT People Love to Buy
[bctt tweet=”Network Marketing Tips: People hate to be Sold BUT People love to Buy” username=”terrypetrovick”]
Well, my guess is that you probably like selling and making money.
What you don’t like is chasing people, hyping people and running after people.
Well, I’m gonna share with you some network marketing tips that I’ve learned over the past twenty years.
From a very simplistic standpoint, here is a simple fact I think you and I both believe. Nobody likes to be sold anything but people love to buy.
People love to buy.
Network Marketing Tips: Companies don’t get it!
Why is that every network marketing company teaches people to make a list and approach every family and friend that they have, every number in their cell phone book?
This is one of the reasons why I think network marketing has sometimes gotten a bad rap. People end up chasing people. That’s not fun for either party.
It’s not really the selling of a product, people love giving value and being compensated for that. But they hate the pushy sales type. You know the sleazy used car salesmen.
That’s one of the reasons why Carmax is such a thriving car dealership. It’s that it’s no hassle, no ‘wheeling and dealing’, the price that you get is the price that you get.
In network marketing, if you could shift from a pusher to a person that is a giver your world would change. Bob Burg wrote a great book called the Go-Giver, I highly recommend it.
Network Marketing Tips: Attraction Marketing
Adding value to the world of online marketing –network marketing – is referred to as attraction marketing.
What does attraction marketing mean?
It means that you are going to attract people to buy what you have or to join your company because they see value in it.
You have seen this a lot of websites – Dr. Mercola has one where he provides a ton of education on nutritional supplements then offers them for purchase.
In the offline world, studios offer FREE dance lessons so they can actually sell you a membership.
If you have kids, maybe you have taken your kids to some FREE taekwondo lessons. The owners absolutely are wanting you to enroll your kids in classes.
We want people to experience this before we buy. Once they experience it, and they see it, and they like it and trust, then they want to make more buying purchases.
When it comes to network marketing, you have to think about how can you add value to your community.
Who is your ideal prospect?
If they’re into nutrition, how can you offer them healthy living and eating tips?
If you are in travel, how can you provide maybe a blog post or a short video showing seven simple ways to go on vacation to Myrtle beach for pennies and a dollar.
Network Marketing Tips: Give value to people.
When you give value to people, there is something called the Law of Reciprocity.
If you give value to people, they are going to want to provide value to you which is money in a lot of cases.
Now attraction marketing is probably one of the hottest marketing strategies today.
Attraction marketing teaches you how to build an audience, how to engage with that audience and how to sell to that audience. Once you create an audience, you have a following of people that know they can trust you.
They are saying ‘hey give me what you got’, ‘I want the products’ or ‘I want to look younger’ or ‘I want to learn how to travel more’ or ‘I want to do whatever it is that you are selling’.
You are attracting people who want to buy what you have to sell. You are the hunted as opposed to the hunter. A big difference here.
It’s about adding value to your community as opposed to you posting your products or posting your company. Many companies encourage their reps to post, post and repost which ends up being a bunch of noise on social media.
Did you know the average person gets hit with something like twenty or thirty thousand marketing messages every single day? It’s deafening.
It’s proven when you provide value and some entertainment along the way you will win over people.
Once you’ve got somebody’s intention, you can give them some real-world value, and not some hype or BS or some smoking mirrors. The result will be they are going to have a significant interest in what you have to offer them.
When you follow somebody and they become a trusted resource. And the odds have significantly increased that you will make a purchase.
Network Marketing Tips: Where do you put this content?
It makes the most sense to put the content you create where you hang out. On Facebook, it could be a live video, it could be a YouTube video, it could be a blog post, or it could be an article. It could be some photos on Pinterest and how they so a particular thing that you are selling, it could be clothes, or it could be makeup.
Once you start building that audience and you start engaging with that audience, then the audience is going to want to follow you.
To help you learn more about this process, I’m gonna give you access to one of my best courses. You’ll the 7 steps to dominate your market.
You will love that course because I dive deep into all these areas. So you would learn how to brand yourself, how to craft a message for your ideal prospect and then how to attract them to you because even how to create multiple streams of income.
Remember, it’s about not being one of those hypey salespeople; it’s about giving value to your ideal prospect, so they want to buy from you.
Does that make sense?
If you got a lot of value out of this training, please share it and if you have questions or comments, please leave those below.
Make today count!
Terry Petrovick Global Business Developer 919-624-0544 – cell
PS If you to learn the latest Facebook Messenger Marketing methods click here
P.P.S. – If you enjoyed this post on MLM Marketing – How To Succeed If You Don’t Like Selling, remember to like, share, and comment below!
Terry Petrovick’s background is the software industry for 14 yrs. starting out at IBM then 20+ yrs. as an entrepreneur in the network marketing profession. He has developed teams of over 40,000 reps in 25 countries. Some of his students have earned over $1,000,000 working from home.
His “Straight Talk” radio show had listeners in 120 countries.
His journey in the network marketing profession began with his 8 yr. old son, Matt climbing into his lap one Saturday morning asking, “Dad, do you still love me?” That day his heart was broken and his life was changed. Six months later he quit his corporate job and went to work to get his life back and to become the dad and the husband he wanted to be. Watch his “Road to Freedom” story unfold.
For Terry, it has always been about family first. Terry’s passion is about helping people to create the quality of life they have dreamed of. He did and he knows he can help them do it too.
Specialties, Skills, Passions
Happiness workshops, wealth building principles, networking, speaking, social media, branding, Internet marketing, leadership development, coaching, copywriting, marketing, anti-aging solutions, relationship marketing, network marketing
Additional Honors & Awards
– Awarded “Outstanding Business Builder” – Awarded “Top Recruiter” – Built teams of over 40,000+ reps in 25 countries – Earned $1,000,000+ personally – Helped team members earn $1,000,000+ – Inner Circle Instructor for Top Marketers – Recognized Super Affiliate and Online Marketer – Awarded Top 50 MLM Blog – Radio Talk Show Host, “Straight Talk with Terry Petrovick”
If you have a team of any size you are going to come up against this problem. Maybe this has already happened to you.
Your once excited rep comes to you and says, “Hey Coach, you need to motivate me because I just can’t get myself to pick up the phone.”
Or here’s another one, “Coach, I have run out of people to talk to. And I am stuck.”
Here’s my response…
The truth is being an entrepreneur or a rep in a network marketing company can be one of the most challenging things you ever do. It seems ALL your hot buttons and limiting beliefs surface.
Just know once you get out of that funk and start seeing success if will be one of the most rewarding projects that you have ever untaken.
Your success or lack thereof is ALL ON YOU!
When you get stuck, my advice is to look within.
Darren Hardy in his book The Entrepreneur Roller Coaster talks about the ups and the downs of working for yourself. If you haven’t read that book I highly recommend it.
Everyone has bads days. This makes you normal.
It is how you respond that matters. Don’t get bitter, get better.
It is a whole easier to get out of the bad days when you are working on a project that you are excited about.
Getting into a funk or being unmotivated is going to happen, it is your mindset, vision, and self-talk that will be the things that give you the courage and the strength you need to succeed. You got this!
Make sense?
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Terry Petrovick Global Business Developer 919-624-0544 – cell
How do you succeed when you are a new business owner?
Do you pitch and chase or attract prospects, customers, and reps?
You have the desire but you lack the experience and skills. In this video, I will reveal what it takes and how you can set yourself up for success.
Success does indeed leave clues.
There really is no sense in re-inventing the wheel when it comes to building your online business.
Many newbies, will spam links and simply pitch everyone within three feet of them.
Professional know who to attract people and how to solve people’s problems. As an up and coming home based business leader you want to become a problem solver. Do this enough and you will have the reputation as the go-to person for online marketing strategies.
Since 2011, I have been using a system that has taught me how to get leads, customers, and reps. This system has been since 2008. It has produced some of the top leaders in our profession who had the same skills that you have today.
My Lead System Pro (MLSP) is the education platform that will teach you how to build a successful business online.
Can anyone learn how to market online? I believe the answer is YES!
In our profession, the level of our success has a lot to do with the level our leadership. Leadership is directly tied to your ability to influence others.
Many people think they do not know how to influence others.
This is simply not true; they have been influencing other people since they were a little child.
You know what I’m talking about, the three old that gets his way with his parents. Or the twelve-year-old girl that persuades her parents to go to a certain restaurant. It happens all the time.
Enter the world of home business.
I often share with my team that they need to show as the leader they want to become.
How to show up as that leader?
First, you need to get clarity. Think about:
People in your life who you would like to influence more are . . .
The way you would like to influence them is . . .
If you could tell them how they should think of themselves, other people or business circumstances, what would you say . . .
How to Think and Speak then go communicate that clearly and consistently.
3 Powerful phrases to help you shape people’s thinking:
“Think of it this way . . .”
“What do you think about . . .”
“What would happen if we tried . . .”
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Terry Petrovick Global Business Developer 919-624-0544 – cell