How to Think and Speak Like a Leader
In our profession, the level of our success has a lot to do with the level our leadership. Leadership is directly tied to your ability to influence others.
Many people think they do not know how to influence others.
This is simply not true; they have been influencing other people since they were a little child.
You know what I’m talking about, the three old that gets his way with his parents. Or the twelve-year-old girl that persuades her parents to go to a certain restaurant. It happens all the time.
Enter the world of home business.
I often share with my team that they need to show as the leader they want to become.
How to show up as that leader?
First, you need to get clarity. Think about:
- People in your life who you would like to influence more are . . .
- The way you would like to influence them is . . .
- If you could tell them how they should think of themselves, other people or business circumstances, what would you say . . .
How to Think and Speak then go communicate that clearly and consistently.
3 Powerful phrases to help you shape people’s thinking:
- “Think of it this way . . .”
- “What do you think about . . .”
- “What would happen if we tried . . .”
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Terry Petrovick
Global Business Developer
919-624-0544 – cell
Skype: CoachTerry
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